Thursday, September 5, 2013

On 10:00 PM by Petlense Photography in , , , , , , , ,    3 comments

This week's theme for Project 52 is Word.

We are suggested to add word, slogan or phrase into our pet images.

So I choose my business slogan : Ready to PAWse ?  

                                                                                                                                        Petlense Photography

Petlense's mascot PIGGY with the slogan!




This is Zero, a crossbreed between Siberian Husky and Labrador.

He is a very active boy and love to check very things out!

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Up next we have  Sue Collura Studio


  1. […] up is Lina Tay of Petlense Photography. Be sure to click on the links at the bottom of each post until you’re back where you […]

  2. Cool idea with incorporating the frame! Nicely done.

  3. Cool idea incorporating the frame with your words. Nicely done.
